1. Good for Your Health
2. Good For Your Personal Life
3. Good For Your Professional Life
4. You May Be Wasting Benefits
5. Your Boss Wants You To
Almost every study has demonstrated strong evidence that vacations can positively impact everything from your energy levels to blood pressure not to mention just your basic mental health.
After the COVID lockdown disrupted work schedules, people are adapting to having more flexibility in their jobs and reconnecting in other parts of their life, such as family and relationships.
On average, Americans use an average of 10 days paid time off annually. This is starting to change.
Now that you know about the importance of taking a vacation, it’s time to start planning your next one! Here’s some vacation tips that can help guarantee you’ll have a great relaxing time.
Don’t think about work. You may feel that you need to check in. A great way to get ahead of this feeling is to prepare your team before you leave to ensure that everything is under control without you around.
Plan ahead. There’s nothing more stressful than having to make last-minute decisions. Stress is the opposite of what you should feel on vacation. Planning ahead, doing some basic research and bookings will put you at ease.
Travel away from your city. The best way to get into a new headspace is to change your surroundings. Going to another part of your state can change your emotional state just by taking in new sights.
It’s okay to relax and play. After so much time grinding away at work, some people feel useless when they stop. It’s okay to stop being productive! Relaxation is just as important as working and will refresh your mind.
Release your energy. Maybe you have pent-up stress about your boss or a situation at work. Physical activity is a great way to address pent-up negative energy. Luckily, vacations present all kinds of opportunities to be physically active. Hiking, taking a swim, a bike ride, or just walking around a new area can help you release stress.
Be Present. Try not to think about all the things waiting for you when you return to work. Don’t think about issues you have to deal with when you get back. Instead, focus on what you are doing at the time in order to clear your head and relax. If you catch yourself thinking about work or problems, try to distract your thoughts and focus on what is around you at the time. Even if you’re in backed up traffic trying to get somewhere, you’re still on vacation! Turn up the music, share old funny stories…Doesn’t that feel better?
Be Grateful. How great is it to be able to truly enjoy yourself? Practicing a little gratitude is proven to make you happier, and happiness is what vacations are all about. This is one vacation tip worth bringing back with you and practicing as often as possible in your everyday life.
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